Idag tikkede denne mail ind i bestyrelsens indbakke:
I’m wondering if you can help me ?, I’m travelling through Denmark on the way to Sweden from Scotland and was hoping you could recommend a good air-cooled mechanic /garage just in case my 72 Westy breaks down .
I will be travelling from Rodby to Copenhagen ,staying in Copenhagen for 2 nights then heading to Sweden for the Peace and Love festival
Thanks in advance
Chris Cooper
Vi gav ham adresserne til pladegården, Jan Koed, Islev Autoservice og Kadows biler. Derudover fortalte vi ham om vwnettet og inviterede ham med på tirsdagscruise hvis han skulle være her på det tidspunkt.
Chris svarede:
Thanks so much for your prompt reply, hopefully I won´t need to use these guys, but better to be safe than sorry. And i would rather have VW enthusiasts working on my bus than anyone else.
If i´m about on a Tuesday when i get to Denmark I´ll definitely swing by.
Thanks again
Chris Cooper
Han kan nu køre igennem Sjælland med ro i sindet, vidende der altid er hjælp at hente i nærheden når man kører luftkølet.